Drone Surveying 101: From GSD to Point Clouds

Lost in the drone surveying jargon?

This guide is your one-stop shop to master the key terms, tech, and buzzwords unlocking the power of construction data capture.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a curious newcomer, this guide is your key to start utilizing drone surveying to gain a deeper understanding of your projects. Within you'll find clear, concise definitions of essential terms like LiDAR, photogrammetry, GSD, and point clouds.

Imagine visualizing hidden utilities and generating razor-sharp 3D models in minutes. ️That's the transformative power you'll discover with this guide.

Here's what you can expect when you dive in:

Demystifying drone technology: Explore the different types of drones, sensors, and software that fuel this innovative field.

Clarifying key concepts: Grasp the core principles of aerial photography, photogrammetry, and LiDAR data capture, unlocking their potential for your projects.

Understanding accuracy & precision: Discover the difference between these crucial terms and how drone surveying delivers unparalleled data clarity.

Unveiling the benefits: Dive into the practical applications of drone surveying, from volume calculations and stockpile monitoring to progress tracking and safety inspections.

Demystifying drone technology: your aerial arsenal

Now that you've glimpsed the transformative potential of drone surveying, let's delve deeper into the tools that make it tick. Imagine these as your aerial arsenal, each piece playing a pivotal role in capturing and interpreting the valuable data that empowers your construction projects.

Person performing drone surveying with the Mavic 3E

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) 

The workhorses of the sky, these come in various forms, each tailored for specific needs. Multi-rotor drones with their signature whirring blades are the most common, offering stable hovering and maneuverability in tight spaces. Fixed-wing drones, resembling miniature airplanes, excel at covering vast areas quickly and efficiently. Regardless of type, these tireless birds of steel are the first line of defense in your data-gathering mission.

Sensors: The eyes in the sky

Just like the human eye, drones rely on specialized sensors to perceive the world. The two main camps are optical sensors (like high-resolution cameras) and LiDAR systems. Cameras capture accurate 3D point clouds for uses like terrain mapping and stockpiles. LiDAR, on the other hand, isbetter at small intricate details, such as structural steel and cutting through vegetation.

Software: The brain behind the brawn

Once your drone has gathered its aerial intelligence, it needs a skilled translator to turn raw data into actionable insights. This is where dedicated drone surveying software like DroneDeploy steps in.

DroneDeploy isn't just about stitching images and generating pretty maps. It's a powerful platform that combines:

  • AI-powered photogrammetry and LiDAR processing: Extract precise measurements, create detailed 3D models, and generate accurate volumes – all with automated workflows that save you time and effort.
  • Unified data dashboard: Combine data from drones, robots, and even 360 cameras in one place, providing a holistic view of your project that traditional methods simply can't match.
  • Collaboration tools: Share maps, models, and insights with your team and stakeholders in real-time, streamlining communication and fostering informed decision-making.
  • Customizable reports and insights: Generate detailed reports with specific measurements, annotations, and progress tracking metrics, perfect for keeping everyone on the same page.

Whether you're monitoring construction progress, managing materials on site, or optimizing production processes, DroneDeploy is a game-changer. It's trusted by thousands of construction, oil and gas, and renewable energy companies for a reason – it empowers you to build with certainty, operate with confidence.

Flight planning & control 

Orchestrating your aerial data-gathering mission requires meticulous planning. Flight planning software allows you to define flight paths, set altitude and speed parameters, and even automate the entire process for consistent, repeatable results.

This is just the tip of the drone surveying iceberg. In the upcoming sections, we'll delve deeper into each of these components, exploring their technical specifics and unlocking their true potential for your construction projects.

Clarifying key concepts: from pixel to point cloud

Taking to the skies with drones may seem magical, but the real power lies in understanding the core principles behind this technology. Let's shed light on some key concepts so you can transform those aerial images and laser pulses into actionable insights for your construction projects.

Over the shoulder shot of a construction worker viewing the results of drone surveying in DroneDeploy

Aerial photography

Imagine painting a detailed picture of your site from a bird's-eye view. That's the essence of aerial photography, capturing high-resolution images that form the foundation for photogrammetry and orthomosaics. Think progress tracking, site inspections, and generating stunning visual reports for stakeholders.


Now, picture stitching those aerial photos together like a giant jigsaw puzzle, creating a precise, scaled map of your entire site. That's the magic of photogrammetry, generating 3D models and extracting accurate measurements directly from images. Think volume calculations, terrain analysis, and even creating as-built models for BIM workflows.

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)

LiDAR uses laser pulses to measure distances with pinpoint accuracy, creating dense 3D point clouds that capture every nook and cranny of your site. Think stockpile monitoring, volumetric calculations with centimeter precision, and even detecting hidden underground utilities – all without ever setting foot on the ground.

Ground Sampling Distance (GSD):

Imagine zooming in on your aerial images. The lower the GSD, the sharper the picture, revealing incredible detail. This crucial concept tells you the size of each pixel on the ground, impacting everything from measuring stockpiles to identifying potential safety hazards.

Drone surveying pointcloud of a building in DroneDeploy


Think of this as the digital fingerprint of your site. In a pointcloud, your data comes alive as a dense collection of millions of 3D points, accurately representing the terrain, structures, and even vegetation. Analyze it, slice it, and extract valuable insights, from volume calculations to collision detection – the possibilities are endless.


Forget distorted aerial photos! This clever technique corrects tilt and perspective imperfections, transforming your drone images into a seamless, true-to-scale map. Think clear communication with stakeholders, accurate progress tracking, and even integrating it into your existing GIS workflow.

Elevate your projects: implementing GCPs, PPK & RTK for precision drone data

Black and white ground control point on a construction site

Drone surveying delivers impressive data, but what unlocks its true precision? Here's a quick breakdown of three key tools to look out for:

Ground Control Points (GCPs): Think of them as tiny GPS anchors scattered across your site. They provide centimeter-level accuracy, perfect for high-stakes projects like foundation surveys. Ideal for challenging GPS environments or when ultimate precision is crucial.

Post-Processed Kinematics (PPK): Imagine refining your drone's flight data after the fact. PPK analyzes raw GPS data, correcting inconsistencies for sub-meter level accuracy. Learn more about how DroneDeploy and Trimble is helping builders unlock PPK accuracy with ease!

Real-Time Kinematics (RTK): Picture having live, centimeter-level accuracy as your drone flies. RTK delivers continuous GPS correction, ideal for demanding projects like real-time topographic mapping. All you need is a Mavic 3E, connection to the internet, and to be within coverage range.

construction worker adding RTK module to Mavic 3E

Leverage these accuracy-boosting techniques to generate precise 3D models, monitor progress with pinpoint accuracy, and identify potential safety hazards. DroneDeploy's platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate GCPs, PPK, and RTK for enhanced data precision.

Accuracy vs. precision: sharpening your vision with drone surveying

In the world of construction, precision isn't just a buzzword – it's the difference between a perfectly level foundation and a leaning tower of Pisa. When it comes to drone surveying, understanding the nuances of accuracy and precision is crucial for making informed decisions based on your data.

Imagine hitting a bullseye every time. That's accuracy. It refers to how close your drone-derived measurements are to the true values on the ground. Think centimeter-precise stockpile volumes or centimeter-level measurements for excavation depths. Drone surveying, delivers exceptional accuracy, minimizing errors and rework costs, ensuring your projects stay on track and within budget.

Quote graphic featuring Rob Havins from Bartlett Cocke

High precision in drone surveying guarantees reliable data acquisition, allowing you to confidently track progress, monitor changes over time, and identify even the subtlest of discrepancies.

Drone surveying masters both accuracy and precision:

  • High-resolution cameras and advanced photogrammetry techniques deliver centimeter-level accuracy in creating orthomosaics and 3D models.
  • LiDAR technology boasts centimeter-level accuracy, ideal for precise volume calculations, terrain mapping, and even detecting subtle surface deformations.
  • Calibration procedures and quality control ensure consistent data acquisition, minimizing random errors and maximizing the repeatability of your measurements.
bottom up image of a building with swing stages built

The benefits of this laser-sharp vision are clear:

  • Make informed decisions: Accurate and precise data allows you to plan, budget, and manage projects with confidence, reducing costly surprises and delays.
  • Optimize workflows: Precise measurements and 3D models enable efficient material management, equipment allocation, and even construction sequencing.
  • Improve safety: Eliminate the need for risky manual surveys in hazardous areas, minimizing accidents and safeguarding your crew.
  • Track progress visually: Monitor changes over time with detailed orthomosaics and 3D models, identifying potential issues and ensuring quality control.

Mastering drone surveying accuracy requires laser-sharp focus. While understanding fundamental concepts is crucial, navigating the technical specifics can be a steep climb. That's where "The Complete Guide to High Accuracy Drone Mapping" by DroneDeploy shines. 

Graphic featuring the Complete Guide to High Accuracy Drone Mapping

This comprehensive resource delves into every aspect of achieving pinpoint precision, from choosing the right hardware and planning flawless flights to calibrating data and processing like a pro. Packed with real-world examples and case studies, it's your roadmap to unlocking centimeter-level accuracy and watching your construction projects soar to new heights of precision.

Download the Guide.

Unveiling the benefits: how drone surveying takes your construction projects to new heights

Drone surveying isn't just a flashy tech trend; it's a game-changer for every stage of your construction project. Let's shed light on the practical applications that revolutionize how you build, manage, and monitor your sites:

Construction worker flying Mavic 3E drone on a jobsite

Speed kills (time, that Is)

Ditch the "snail in molasses" pace of traditional surveys. Drones capture vast areas in minutes, generating comprehensive data sets that would take ground crews days or even weeks. Imagine tracking earthwork progress daily, monitoring stockpile changes hourly, or conducting safety inspections before the coffee break – that's the power of drone-powered speed.

Accuracy ain't just a catchphrase

Think centimeter-precise stockpile volumes, centimeter-level excavation depths, and detailed 3D models that mirror reality down to the smallest pebble. No more guesswork, no more costly rework – drone surveying delivers unparalleled accuracy, ensuring your foundations are rock-solid and your budgets stay afloat.

Safety first, always

Steep slopes, hazardous areas, and confined spaces all pose risks to your crew. Drone surveying lets you gather critical data from a safe distance, eliminating the need for manual surveys in dangerous zones. Monitor progress, assess potential hazards, and ensure everyone goes home happy (and healthy) at the end of the day.

Aerial data from drone surveying displayed within DroneDeploy

Data-driven decisions

Ditch the gut feeling, embrace the data wave. From detailed terrain analysis for optimal site planning to precise volume calculations for efficient material management, drone surveying lets you make informed decisions based on real-world data. No more flying blind – visualize, analyze, and optimize every step of your project with laser-sharp clarity.

Communication is key

Share stunning aerial maps and 3D models with stakeholders, clients, and your team in real-time. Improve communication, transparency, and collaboration, ensuring everyone stays on the same page from groundbreaking to ribbon-cutting.

Progress tracking becomes a walk in the park

Forget the logistical gymnastics of traditional progress tracking. With regular drone surveys, you can monitor every stage of construction visually, identify delays or deviations early on, and ensure your project stays on schedule and within budget. It's like having a bird's-eye view of your progress, every single day.

Over the shoulder photo of someone performing a drone survey using the Mavic 3E controller

Uncover hidden gems and avoid catastrophic surprises

Drone-powered LiDAR literally sees through the ground, revealing hidden utilities, potential sinkholes, and even ancient artifacts that could derail your project. Imagine proactive risk mitigation, optimized excavation plans, and avoiding costly delays – that's the power of seeing what lies beneath the surface.

As-built models made easy 

Ditch the clunky manual measurements and tedious field reports. Generate accurate, detailed as-built models directly from drone data, saving time, resources, and headaches. Think seamless integration with BIM workflows, streamlined handover to facility management, and future-proofing your project for years to come.

These are just a taste of the countless benefits that drone surveying brings to your construction projects. From faster data capture to enhanced safety, improved communication, and data-driven decision-making, it's no wonder this technology is taking the construction world by storm.

Over the shoulder capture of a VDC manager reviewing their site through DroneDeploy

High-accuracy drone surveying in DroneDeploy

Drone surveying is reshaping everything from site assessments to progress tracking.

Imagine, with aerial photography, generating stunning orthomosaics that track progress daily. Picture LiDAR data revealing precise stockpile volumes to optimize material management. Envision 3D models so detailed you can practically walk through them before the first brick is laid. This is the power of drone surveying, brought to life.

But the journey doesn't end here. To truly master this game-changing technology, you need the right copilot. DroneDeploy stands ready to equip you with the software and expertise you need to take your construction projects to new heights.

Our comprehensive platform offers everything from intuitive flight planning tools to cutting-edge data processing algorithms, ensuring you capture and analyze data with pinpoint accuracy.

Embracing drone surveying isn't just about cool tech; it's about building smarter, faster, and safer. It's about minimizing rework, streamlining workflows, and making data-driven decisions that propel your projects towards success.