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Below you'll find all of the latest and exclusive reality capture content hand picked for your industry and use case.
The Simple Way to Inspect: Autonomous Asset Inspections
Manual inspections are expensive, time-consuming and hazardous.
But by putting drones and ground robots to work in autonomously capturing data, you’ll save time and money and keep your entire team connected to any asset anywhere, anytime.
We’ll show you firsthand how oil and gas companies use DroneDeploy’s all-in-one autonomous inspection solution to improve operational cost management and reduce unplanned downtime safety incidents.
You’ll discover:
- How to cut inspection costs (by up to $500,000 a year)
- How conducting autonomous inspections can speed up your workflows (by up to 40%)
- How stakeholders are leveraging reality capture data to gain a digital view of their physical world
- Successful case studies of drone and robotics deployments in oil and gas companies
The reality capture playbook: Oil and Gas Edition
Oil and gas companies are under pressure to meet new energy demands and adopt more sustainable practices, all while maintaining healthy margins. How can they harness the latest technology to gain a competitive edge?This guide unlocks the power of reality capture, AI and automation – tools that can help O&G businesses thrive in today’s changing world. Discover the unique workflows our customers use for sustainable, safe and profitable operations.