Crop Scouting with Drones: Identifying Crop Variability
Learn how to evaluate plant health and detect crop stress with drone data and DroneDeploy
No longer do you have to rely on costly, time-intensive methods of collecting aerial crop data such as satellite imagery or manned aircraft. Drones enable you to assess plant health and spot crop variability in minutes. For many, it can be hard to determine where to start or how you should start collecting actionable insights with your drone. In this guide, we address some of the most common questions, like "what are plant health algorithms", “what kind of camera should I buy”, and “what is the difference between NDVI, false-NDVI and VARI.”Download our guide to learn:How to assess plant health and spot crop variability with your drone dataThe difference between NDVI, false-NDVI, and VARIThe types of cameras required to evaluate plant healthBest practices for using plant health algorithms to make smarter crop management decisions