Bringing Construction & Technology Together with DroneDeploy

Explore our Host of Integrations for AEC

It’s clear that “smart” technology is expediting the shift towards a wholly automated job site. In fact, in a 2020 report from Dodge Data & Analytics, “nearly 94% of general contractors surveyed admit using at least one of these devices.” At DroneDeploy, we’ve seen this explosive growth firsthand, whether on-site with our customers or tracking our software usage over time. That's why we believe that employing site reality capture solutions in tandem with your pre-established procedures bridges the gap between construction and technology, and with old and new.In this eBook, you’ll learn about how DroneDeploy integrates with the most popular construction software on the market, such as:Autodesk Construction Cloud – Autodesk Build, BIM 360, PlanGridProcoreEgnyte

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