Integrate your fixed camera with DroneDeploy

Join the open beta for early access

By joining the open beta, DroneDeploy Enterprise customers will be able to connect fixed cameras to their DroneDeploy projects. More fixed camera partners, including SiteKick, CamDo, and Lobster, are coming soon. Check with your CSM to see if your fixed camera platform will be able to connect in DroneDeploy.

Open Beta is available to all Enterprise users

Current partners

Why the new integration?

By linking your fixed camera to DroneDeploy, you’ll experience:

A one-stop shop for all your reality capture data

Instead of managing data across different apps and logins, navigate one platform with ease to find the media you need, whenever you need it.

Improved communication

Team members and stakeholders across the project will be able to view all documentation in one place for streamlined communication and progress updates.

Efficiency and improved workflows

A single platform for all your documentation means less team training on technology, less searching for media, and more time back for your team to solve problems.

How it works

Go to our Support Article to learn more
Learn more


In the new “Cameras” tab in the top navigation, Enterprise customers will have the ability to enter a public share link from their fixed camera to connect and view media from within DroneDeploy.


Only Admins, Coordinators and Editors who created a DroneDeploy project will be able to link/unlink a fixed camera to the project.


All designated DroneDeploy Viewers and above can view the fixed camera in the “Cameras” tab once it’s been linked in the project.

How to connect your fixed camera

Check out these Support Articles from each partner to retrieve the public sharing link that you can link on the DroneDeploy Cameras page.
Sensera Systems