Live Map
Real-Time Mapping

No SD Cards. No Uploads. No Waiting.
Create maps in minutes to inform real-time decisions, entirely offline, no laptop or cell connection necessary.

Justin Metz - Bowles Farms
Technology Integration Specialist
Map Faster than Ever
Map 200 acres in 15 minutes without the need for cell connection or internet access
Live Map Only mode allows you to map without taking pictures, so you can cover more ground in less time
Reduce or eliminate battery swaps, and never worry about forgetting an SD card again

Make Efficient In-Field Decisions
Examine crops with plant health Live Map and immediately ground truth your findings using GPS navigation
Eliminate the need to drive back to the office and wait for data to upload and process
Spot crop variability, stress, and weather damage for immediate investigation
Site Awareness When & Where it Matters
Share Live Maps immediately and review site progress with drawing overlays to verify subcontractor work or resolve disputes
Coordinate disaster relief, cleanup, and damage assessment
Assist police, fire, and rescue efforts for emergency response
Make Efficient In-Field Decisions
Visualize temperature range variability and generate thermal maps over large areas
Share thermal maps with your team. No internet required